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Related to all events held by TOCNYS regional organizers.
This past weekend in Buffalo, one particular corner of one particular strip mall was particularly busy.
On Saturday, July 13 NYC joined the Niagara Frontier to become the 2nd TOCNYS region to hold its third consecutive monthly Meetup - congratulations! Even the sun came out that day to celebrate :)
Despite less than ideal weather Friday afternoon and the fact that it was the first day of the Syracuse Nationals car show a couple counties over, 7 Tesla vehicles from TOCNYS owners attended Rochester's weekly Damascus Shrine Cruise Night. Given the less-than-average attendance, the Teslas easily commanded the focus of the faithful who did show up.
Not even if weather was programmable could you ask for a more perfect day for a Meet & Drive event through the Finger Lakes!
27 humans gathered on a beautiful morning this past Saturday to celebrate the opening of the much-awaited Tesla Supercharger in Ithaca.
It's taken a while, but in mid-July TOCNYS got its first member that owns an original Roadster, which in turn made its first appearance at a club event on August 10 at Buffalo's monthly "Second Saturday at the Supercharger" Meetup!