
Is New York's incentive for non-proprietary chargers is “discriminatory” to Tesla?

That's just what Tesla is claiming as they recently asked the New York Public Service Commission (NYPSC) to reconsider a February 7 order that would give utilities incentives for installing "publicly accessible" electric vehicle (EV) chargers. Tesla argues that the definition of publicly accessible should apply to the location of the charger and not necessarily being able to actually use the charger (as NYS has defined it).

In order for the Tesla chargers to be eligible for the NYS incentives as currently defined, Tesla would need to refit its chargers so that vehicles using other charging standards (CCS and CHAdeMO) would be able to charge there as well.

What do you think? Is the Tesla charging network a "walled garden" trying to have its cake and eat it too or is NYS picking sides as it ignores the vehicle that makes up the majority of EVs in NYS?

Read the whole article over at Ars Technica

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