Recently we received an alert from Thousand Island - Seaway region TOCNYS member Pedro C. that the Watertown Supercharger had been out of commission for more than a week! As that is the only Central NYS Supercharger north of Syracuse and is relied upon by many for travel to and from Canada, this was not an issue to just silently wait out from the sidelines.
Though we may not have Elon Musk's personal cell phone number, TOCNYS is a Tesla-sanctioned club and we do have some official channels of communication with the company. So, I quickly sent an email off to a contact and got a prompt reply that they'd look into the issue.
Fast forward 24 hours and I got a happy email from Pedro C. that the Watertown Supercharger was back online! Now was this just coincidence or was it influence? An email I sent back to our Tesla contact confirmed that it was actually the latter, as he stated that Tesla did indeed send out a representative to the site to investigate the problem :)
So here's to members like Pedro C. that take the initiative, here's to Tesla that is responsive, and here's to TOCNYS that can and does help bridge any gaps between both previously mentioned parties!