"The Tesla Model 3 continues to dominate in its vehicle class in the United States. Frankly, sales charts for the second quarter of 2019 make it look like the Model 3 doesn’t belong in this class at all, and there’s a strong case to be made that it doesn’t.
The Model 3 has a similar base price point to the other vehicles on the charts featured below, but it has much lower cost of ownership, much better tech (infotainment tech and autonomous driving tech), record-breaking safety scores, and unmatched performance. There’s really not a solid reason to buy another car in this class. Aside from some buyers not liking the design of the Model 3 for some reason and choosing a competing car, I presume that sales of other models in this price range are simply due to inertia — societal inertia, marketing inertia, and internal illogical inertia. Actually, even a distaste for the design may simply be due to psychological inertia..."
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