After being stuck in the house for the past few weeks and feeling helpless about the current situation around me ; I was longing to do something to make me feel like I was helping. Clearly my choices were limited.
One option I had was to donate blood. My uncle worked at the New York Blood Center for years. He introduced me to all of the beneficial things that come from donating blood; along with calling me every time I was eligible to donate again. One pint of blood can save 3 lives, someone needs blood every two seconds, only 37% of the population is eligible to donate blood. From my experience donating blood is quick, relatively painless (just a needle stick), and extremely rewarding.
After my most recent donation (last Thursday) I thought it would be even more rewarding if I could convince more people to donate blood. Who could I ask? Tesla owners of course!!! Tesla owners already care about doing something for the greater good; so why not add this to the list?
I created a team called Tesla Owners Club New York State through The American Red Cross. It’s easy to join. Click on the link below and download the app. Then join the team. Once we get our team going it would be fun to challenge other Owner Clubs across the country and world to see who comes out on top. Please consider joining; you will be helping out fellow humans and showing everyone how stellar Tesla owners are.
Join my team and help American Red Cross impact even more lives-
- Edie Houle